Managed Services

IT problems like prolonged downtime, malware attacks, or slow systems lead to severe consequences for your overall business operations. Anything from increased IT costs to a damaged reputation can result from unoptimized and out-of-date business technology. To avoid these negative outcomes, Managed Services from AEIT365 offers a way to outsource your technology management to an expert team without having to hire more staff.

AEIT365 takes a “people first” approach to your technology, and aligns your IT to better achieve your strategic business goals while providing maintenance and support to ensure it always meets your workforce’s requirements. Our Managed Services includes a diverse array of IT solutions that keep your technology efficient, secure, and running smoothly, all for a fixed price that’s easy on the budget. We’ll also assess your current IT setup and provide recommendations on what solutions would better serve your needs.

The result: IT that’s driving your business forward instead of holding you back.

What’s included in AEIT365 Managed Services?

On-site help desk visits

On-site IT management visits

Remote help desk support

Vendor management

Regular, proactive IT maintenance

Hardware and software procurement services

With Managed Services from AEIT365, your organization will enjoy:

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A full team of dedicated IT professionals proactively monitoring your technology infrastructure

Swift services delivered remotely or hands-on support delivered on site as needed

Assistance with selecting, sourcing, and implementing the ideal IT solutions for your needs

Minimal downtime and the peace of mind that comes from knowing no IT problem can hold you back for long

AEIT365 offers a complete suite of IT services to maximize the value and efficiency of your business technology

Cybersecurity Solutions

Cybersecurity Solutions

Keeping your data secure is a top priority to us. Our cybersecurity solution helps you meet industry compliance requirements and reduce your risk of cybersecurity breaches and attacks. Taking a proactive approach such as security assessment, network monitoring, staff cybersecurity training, and staying on top of the latest data breaches and ransomware challenges are some of the ways we can protect your business data.
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Data Backup and Cloud Solutions

Data Backup and Cloud Solutions

The ability to resume your business operations after a major disaster or security breach would be nearly impossible without a data backup plan in place. Our data backup and cloud solutions provide you with secure, point-to-point off-site storage and fast recovery for your critical data. We offer a backup strategy to protect your business and resume operations quickly.
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IT Consulting

IT Consulting

Our IT consulting services include a free network analysis, which involves a comprehensive outline and plan for your organization's IT infrastructure, and execution.
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Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster Recovery Planning

Disasters can take many forms, from natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes, to cybersecurity breaches and employees deleting vital information. Our disaster recovery planning solutions ensure that your data is protected, and that you can get back up and running in a matter quickly after suffering a catastrophic event.
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IT Project Management

IT Project Management

You will need the help of a professional management team in order to accomplish ambitious IT projects. We can help you accomplish this with our IT project management services. The process begins with an assessment to make sure the task required is carefully mapped out and planned. Once we learn your technical needs and budget, we will offer you flexible options, then we will assemble a team and utilize the tools required to accomplish the project. With our team of highly skilled technicians, we will expertly manage your IT project from start to finish.
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Fractional CIO

Fractional CIO

CIOs are becoming increasingly important as technology advances. An integral part of a CIO's job is to predict the future of computer technology trends that give businesses an edge over their competitors. When you partner with us for CIO services, we can help your business improve its IT infrastructure, resulting in higher profits and improved services.
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Remove the technology obstacles holding your company back and improve your growth potential with efficient, effective IT solutions

Sign up for a FREE network assessment from our veteran technology consultants today, and find out how far your business can go with Always Evolving It services supporting you

Remove the technology obstacles holding your company back and improve your growth potential with efficient, effective IT solutions

Sign up for a FREE network assessment from our veteran technology consultants today, and find out how far your business can go with Always Evolving It services supporting you